Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Head and Shoulders to change its slogan

In an article in the Times, the shampoo owned by P & G is having to change its slogan after ..."The ASA upheld the complaint and ordered the company to drop a six-year campaign because its claim to remove all dandruff was “misleading” "..."The controversy erupted over a campaign devised by Saatchi & Saatchi for two variations on the shampoo. Regular use of Cool Menthol and Ocean Spa would leave hair “100 per cent dandruff-free”, the company promised"..."P&G argued that 100 per cent dandruff-free did not actually mean that all dandruff would disappear. It said that its slogan meant that regular use would eliminate the “visible flakes” — as seen by other people from a distance of two feet, chosen as the approximate gap between people when they are in conversation..."

P&G dominates Britain’s £315 million shampoo market and Head & Shoulders is the top seller with a 12 per cent market share, according to the research group Mintel.


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