Sunday, February 19, 2006

How Marketing owes its language to the Wild West and other short stories

Staking a claim - I thought this may have had something to do with the time when the colonists in the USA rode as far as they could in a great race to claim their own piece of land. This was shown in the film Far and Away with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, but after a half hour search on t'internet I gave up looking for any definition, ost his may not be the gospel truth. From what I can remember, they had to drive a stake (a wooden pole) into the area that they wanted to claim, which then entitled the person to mine or farm or do whatever he wanted to do to that piece of land. The only useful piece of information is this.

Branding - the art of pressing red hot metal stamps or brands on to a cow's or hrose's flesh. The " branding" was to designate whose cattle was whose on the vast grassy plain of America. The brands showed ownership.

The beast without a brand or mark was known to be a maverick, another defintion is one who doesn't abide by the rules, or being independent in thinking or actions. The French translation is excentrique (I guess this may mean "out of the circle")

Carrying on from the Interbrand Survey from last week, the 2005 best global brands show that the top ten brands are Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, GE, Intel, Nokia, Disney, McDonalds, Toyota, Marlboro.

But more suprising is the list of the five big winners on the Interbrand list ( I feel like JK & Joel from Radio 1 - no silly jokes, please) - Ebay with a 21% increase; HSBC with a 20% increase ; 19% increase from Samsung; not surprisingly with Apple with their 16%rise from 2004's brand value and finally UBS with another 16%.

More on the short stories to come


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love origins of words and phrases, so this is right up my street. Now just have to go and find the origin of 'up my street' ... damn!

9:52 pm, February 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't work out how to email you (your mail address is at work!) so doing this as a comment.

The two best sites I have found for advert viewing are:

Hours of viewing pleasure!

9:58 pm, February 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another random message ...

Check out, the website backing up the new Lynx advertising campaign. A beautifully put together site, which will gather your personal information in return for a 'clicker' and invite you to email your mates (that's viral marketing, that is). The messages are definitely encoded for men of a certain age - lots of scantily clad women (all serving an important function, such as asking which country you're from via their differently-flagged knickers) and male humour.

9:36 pm, March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's just me, but I'm not finding the Wed evening exciting and stimulating anymore. Especially with us guys who did the intro course, it seems to be a repetition of most of the stuff. After the end of every evening of the last course there were so many new things that I had learnt, so exciting. If it weren't for you guys making a fun atmosphere and us having a laugh on this course, sure I would fall asleep yawn yawn!!!!!
Comments please!!!!!!!!

10:09 am, March 23, 2006  
Blogger A teacher returning to Geography Education said...

See new additional entry, but will now have to find more stimulating ways to keep you amused in the lesson

11:03 am, March 23, 2006  

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