Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Another posting, because it is a sunny day

More stuff from Saturday includes: is a website by the CIM that addresses a major topic for the marketers

By the way what is the difference between a marketer and a marketeer?
A Marketer is One that sells goods or services in or to a market, especially one that markets a specified commodity: a major wine marketer and a Marketeer is just another spelling of it and is no way a relation of Mouseketeer or Musketeer, adly there is no real joke.

Back to the website, this time the agenda concentrates on Marketing and Technology - the uses, the benefits and examines he central paradox of technology-enabled marekting, as well as exotic technologies and consider how marketers in these industries can overcome the challenge of bringing their inventions to market.

Shape the Agenda also has a list of marketing thinkers (look at Guru Gallery), then I picked Drayton Bird - ounded liek a fun name - he has a webste which has a list of case histories

More later when I get bored again

Head and Shoulders to change its slogan

In an article in the Times, the shampoo owned by P & G is having to change its slogan after ..."The ASA upheld the complaint and ordered the company to drop a six-year campaign because its claim to remove all dandruff was “misleading” "..."The controversy erupted over a campaign devised by Saatchi & Saatchi for two variations on the shampoo. Regular use of Cool Menthol and Ocean Spa would leave hair “100 per cent dandruff-free”, the company promised"..."P&G argued that 100 per cent dandruff-free did not actually mean that all dandruff would disappear. It said that its slogan meant that regular use would eliminate the “visible flakes” — as seen by other people from a distance of two feet, chosen as the approximate gap between people when they are in conversation..."

P&G dominates Britain’s £315 million shampoo market and Head & Shoulders is the top seller with a 12 per cent market share, according to the research group Mintel.

Monday, April 03, 2006

CIM & SSG links

Here are a few links that I picked up from the lecture on Saturday:

I hope that you know this one

But have you looked at these case studies

But more importantly is the Student Support Group

And if you get bored try this to read up on the wonderful word of marketing

April Fools Day and excerpts from the CIM exam help hour

Last Saturday, on my way to the CIM exam help seminar (more of that later and see below) I was listening to Radio 4 (see I can be cultured) and heard about the following:

Taken from the BBC News page

But perhaps the most blood-boiling effort this year came from BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

After months of protests at the station losing its UK Theme - a medley of British tunes which woke up listeners for more than 30 years - it reported that a specially composed Euro Theme was to replace it.

It included a snippet of Beethoven's Ode to Joy, French accordion music and the theme tune from the Dutch-based 1970s detective drama Van Der Walk.

Today proudly announced the last was the "quintessence of Holland", as listeners up and down the UK almost choked on their cornflakes.

(more information can be found here)

So does April the 1st give the marketer an opportunity to good to miss for advertising products with spoof adverts and stories, here are a few more:

The Daily Mail showed pictures of a socialist red door being hung at No. 10 Downing Street (although I can't find proof of it yet on the web)

The Guardian said that Chris Martin from Coldplay would change his political allegiance to the Conservatives as David Cameron had a windmill on his home

The Times describes the joy of chip and sing, The Daily Mirror shows an oak tree with growths that look like the Royal Family, etc. But why do it, I guess first of all it is fun, but doesn't it add to a greater brand awareness, have a look at the following weblink from BMW

More examples are shown at the h2g2 page

Or have a look at this at Abegail's favourite web site

So have you found anymore? Add to comments

Information from the CIM Exam Help thingey, I thought it might be longer. But the chief exmainer had to run off elsewhere and this was the second session. Met a cute Australian, so the networking works with the CIM.

From Tuesday, we have only 62 revision days left or 9 weeks, which gives us removing hours for sleeping and working 57 hours left to revise for the exam.

I will put a precis of the notes up tomorrow and will bring a copy of the slides (if they are emailed in time) to the lecture.